This 7742-601 tea has a classic Dayi taste. The heated dry leaves emit a smoky, plumy, and woody aroma, contributing to a bold and thick flavor profile. The deep mouthfeel extends to the throat, accompanied by a pleasant sweet salivation at the base of the tongue.
Crafted from base material aged 3-5 years, this tea exhibits a noticeable maturity in its taste, surpassing the 2006 vintage. The dark amber color of the soup further attests to its well-developed character. Notably, this tea outshines its counterparts, the 7542 and 8582, of similar age.
In the wholesale market, this tea commands a price of around 20,000 TWD. However, we secured a cake at a discounted rate and are passing the savings on to you. Whole cakes are available upon request.
classic semi-aged flavor This tea has a forest wood aroma, minerality, strength, good thickness and activity in the mouth. The broth is a thick red, and amber. The tea is in a...
This is the paper tong (better) version, with the date stamped on the wrapper. An inexpensive modern FT masterpiece inside a super cheesy wrapper. Made mostly with aged ~2003 maocha...
Resinous, woody, active This is an early classic from (FT) Fei Tai’s second year of production. The 2004 FT 8653 3+1 cake has a special ‘wild nectar’ fragrance that...
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